About Our Blog
It’s Time to Take Action Against Arrears
At My Debt Help, we hate to see anyone struggling with money. We know from first-hand experience just how tough it can be to manage debt, especially when there are multiple creditors hassling you for money. However, while credit card bills are bad enough, things go one step further when arrears enter the picture. If you can’t afford to keep up with your rent, then there will obviously be some pretty serious consequences as a result. Your home itself is on the line here- and if you don’t do something about it, you could end up getting evicted.
But while it’s extremely stressful to go into arrears with your rent, you should know that you aren’t alone if you find yourself in this situation. There are plenty of other people out there going through exactly the same issues, and there are also people willing you to help you get out of your arrears. Yet few people realise that help is available to them. They read the letters from their landlord demanding payment, and think that their story will inevitably end with them being forcibly removed from their house or flat. We’re here to show you that this isn’t necessarily the case- instead, it’s time to start taking active steps to make a change for the better.
Don’t Let Arrears Take Over Your Life
On our blog, we’ll be taking a closer look at how the arrears process works, and the various different options available to those who find themselves in arrears. You might be able to arrange a reduced payment plan with your landlord by yourself, or you might need to seek some help from a professional financial advisor. Either way, things don’t have to end badly. If you know what your options are, then you can start to do something about your situation- so have a read through our posts, and learn what you’re up against.